Finding Ways to Feed the World in a Sustainable Manner

Fisheries play an essential role in the sustainability and health of our planet by providing much-needed food as well as other important services. Globally, fisheries feed billions of people and offer jobs and livelihoods for millions more. The global market value of marine and coastal resources and industries is estimated at three trillion dollars annually.  Over three billion people depend upon the oceans to provide their primary source of protein, and marine fisheries directly or indirectly employ over 200 million people.  In the United States alone, fishing generates over $200 billion in sales each year and more than 1.7 million jobs rely on commercial and recreational fisheries. Other benefits, whether cultural, inspirational, or recreational, are harder to quantify but just as important.

To learn more about fisheries science and to access Ocean Connect’s wide range of educational and career resources, please visit our Fisheries Science snapshot.