A (non-comprehensive) list of interesting and relevant climate change, climate policy, and environmental justice stories.

Amazon rainforest could reach ‘tipping point’ by 2050, scientists warn. ‘We need to respond now,’ says author of study that says crucial forest has already passed safe boundary and needs restoration (read the full story here)

World surpasses key warming threshold across an entire year for the first time. Scientists on Thursday said the world surpassed a key warming threshold across an entire year for the first time on record, calling to slash planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. (read the full story here)

Extreme heat, wildfire smoke harm low-income and nonwhite communities the most, study finds. Extreme heat and wildfire smoke are independently harmful to the human body, but together their impact on cardiovascular and respiratory systems is more dangerous and affects some communities more than others. (read the full story here)

Global Warming Could Drive Locust Outbreaks into New Regions, Study Warns. Warming temperatures, as well as more droughts and extreme rains, may create favorable conditions for breeding and swarming in Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. (read the full story here)

Department of Energy Partners With States and Research Institutes to Boost Offshore Wind Development. Government departments, private companies and universities will join a new academic center aimed at training the next generation of offshore wind professionals. (read the full story here)

A Battle Over Plastic Recycling Claims Heats Up in California Over ‘Truth in Labeling’ Law. As the state implements a landmark 2021 consumer protection and waste management law, some environmentalists say its own data shows how plastics are being illegally exported to Mexico and other countries. (read the full story here)

Google to share oil and gas methane leaks spotted from space. Google and environmental group Environmental Defense Fund on Wednesday unveiled a partnership to expose sources of climate-warming emissions from oil and gas operations that will be detected from space by a new satellite. (read the full story here)