Whether through Twitter, Instagram, or your favorite blog, most of us now get our news online. We don’t have the time or patience to sit through a lengthy newscast or flip through pages of newsprint. Give us the headlines in 280 characters or a one-minute video, and we can decide what looks interesting and go from there. Digital media refers to news provided through websites, mobile apps, podcasts, blogs, social media, webinars, digital audio, vlogs, online forums, and wikis. So, all the ways we now get our information. Once only seen on the fringes of journalism, digital media is increasingly being incorporated into traditional broadcast and print journalism. In fact, the lines between a traditional news organization and a digital media company have become increasingly blurred. But while conventional journalism requires writing, editing, and reporting skills, digital media also requires you to master photography, video, design, audio, social media, and marketing skills.

If you want to pursue a career that is challenging, competitive, and rewarding, digital media can certainly provide you with that. Whether you want to work for an established digital platform or start your own thing, the options are as vast as the Internet itself.

To learn more about digital media and to access Ocean Connect’s wide range of educational and career resources, please visit ouDigital Media snapshot.